Guideline for Case Studies

The following documents must be included in the submission (mandatory):

(1) Title page file:

This must include the following information:

  • Title of the manuscript
  • Names (spelled out in full) of all the authors*, and the institutions with which they are affiliated
  • Corresponding author's details (name, email, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers)
  • Declaration of conflict of interest
  • Funding
  • Acknowledgment
  • Author contribution (Clearly state the contribution of each author)
  • Ethical consideration (State the complete name of institutions or ethics committee and approval number)


(2) Main text:

Articles submitted should not exceed 7000 words for the main text, including abstract, tables and references.



Write a structured abstract, including 5 headings:







Abstract is not more than 350 words and add key words (3-5 words). Wording should be concise and present only the essential elements. 'Telegraphic' statements without verbs are acceptable. Abbreviations are not allowed.


Main content

This is your main content with no authors' detail. All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end of the manuscript.


  • Clearly identify the research problem, rationale, context, international relevance of topic
  • Provide the gap to show the significant of your study
  • Present the scientific, conceptual or theoretical framework that guided the study, identifying and providing an overview of the conceptual model and/or theory where appropriate. 
  • Explain connections between study variables and support those connections with relevant theoretical and empirical literature.
  • Explain the connections between the scientific hypothesis, conceptual model or theory and the study variables. 
  • Aim(s): State the aims of the study as a narrative study purpose or as research questions or hypotheses to be tested at the end of introduction. For example, ‘The aim of the study was to…’



Methods should be structured (including Study design, Setting, Sample/Participants, Data collection, Data analysis, Ethical consideration).

Study design

Identify the specific research design used: for example, grounded theory, phenomenology, ethnography.



When and where the study was conducted.



  • Identify the specific purposeful sampling strategy/strategies used–theoretical, maximum variation, extreme case. Identify the inclusion and exclusion criteria. For example, ‘The inclusion criteria were…’, ‘The exclusion criteria were…’.


Data collection

  • Use subheadings for different types of data collection techniques if appropriate, e.g., interview guides, observation checklists. For example, ‘Data were collected using an interview guide…’, ‘Focus groups were conducted …’.
  • Describe each technique used to collect the data, such as interview guide questions, or observation checklist items. Include information about number and type of items and scoring technique, as well as interpretation of scores, if relevant.


Data analysis

  • Describe the techniques used to analyse the data, including computer software used, if appropriate. For example, ‘The data were analysed using NVivo Version X. The data were analysed using thematic analysis…’.
  • Supply supporting reference for specific analytic approaches/ techniques.


Ethical consideration

  • Identify any particular ethical issues that were attached to this research. Provide a statement of ethics committee approval. Do not name the university or other institution from which ethics committee approval was obtained; state only that ethics committee approval was obtained from a university and/or whatever other organisation is relevant.
  • Explain any other approvals obtained, for example, local site arrangements to meet research governance requirements. If, according to local regulations, no formal ethical scrutiny was required or undertaken, please state this.
  • The complete name of the institution and approval number should be stated in the title page.



  • Present the case and nurse interventions
  • Present results explicitly for each study aim or research question.
  • Use subheadings as appropriate.
  • Provide a brief summary of the findings or outcomes. This should include the themes, stages or patterns (as appropriate). Explain how each theme emerged. Explain how the themes interrelate to produce a conceptual or theoretical understanding of the phenomenon you studied.
  • When two or more methods (e.g. interviews and observations) are used in the same study, you should ensure that findings of both methods are reported adequately.
  • Use the literature in the findings section only if it informs or extends your analysis, not that it merely confirms what you found. This can be done in the discussion section.



  • In some instances authors may prefer to present the results and discussions sections as a single, combined section. Whether separate or combined, the Discussion section should consider findings in relation to the literature. Do previous research findings match or differ from yours? Do not use literature which only supports your findings.
  • Draw conclusions about what new knowledge has emerged from the study. For example, this new knowledge could contribute to new conceptualisations or question existing ones; it could lead to the development of tentative/substantive theories (or even hypotheses), it could advance/question existing theories or provide methodological insights, or it could provide data that could lead to improvements in practice.
  • End with study limitations including but not confined to sampling considerations, trustworthiness and transferability of the findings.



  • Provide real conclusions, not just a summary/repetition of the findings.
  • Draw conclusions about the adequacy of the theory in relation to the data. Indicate whether the data supported or refuted the theory. Indicate whether the conceptual model was a useful and adequate guide for the study.
  • Identify implications/recommendations for practice/research/education/management as appropriate, and consistent with the limitations.



Use APA (American Psychological Association) Sixth or Seventh Edition format for citation and references.