Open defecation behavior of elementary school-aged children in the coastal region, Indonesia: A pilot study


open defecation
school-age children

How to Cite

Hasan, F. A., Ayuningsih, F., Juraiti, W., & Sidiqah, F. (2021). Open defecation behavior of elementary school-aged children in the coastal region, Indonesia: A pilot study. Public Health of Indonesia, 7(3), 133–138.


Background: Open defecation is one of the public health problems.  Such behavior will lead to contamination of water and food sources, which can cause several diseases, one of which is caused by polluted water (water-borne diseases).

Objective: This research aimed to describe open defecation behavior in elementary school-aged children in Kendari City, Indonesia.

Methods: This was a descriptive survey carried out on 11-12 June 2021 among 87 students. Open defecation behavior was seen from knowledge and attitude of open defecation and availability of latrines. Validated questionnaires were used to measure the variables. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis.

Results: The results showed that the students lacked knowledge (42%) and negative attitudes (44%). In addition, 11% of the respondents did not have latrines; therefore, open defecation still exists.

Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that most of the respondents had poor knowledge and attitude regarding the impact of open defecation on health. Therefore, the results can be used as the basic data to develop further research, and indeed, to inform public health workers to pay attention to this issue and health education related to open defecation behavior is highly needed.


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