Determinants of Electronic Smoking Behavior among Adolescents in Indonesia (Analysis of Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2019)


Adolescents; determinants; e-cigarettes; global youth tobacco survey

How to Cite

Hafidah, F., Apriningsih, Simanjorang, C., & Hanifah, L. (2024). Determinants of Electronic Smoking Behavior among Adolescents in Indonesia (Analysis of Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2019). Public Health of Indonesia, 10(2), 133–142.


Background:E-cigarettes are a concerning issue since e-smoking has affected young people. This phenomenon will be influenced by how common e-cigarette use is among youth. Nevertheless, health experts have found that e-cigarettes have negative effects on health.

Objectives:The purpose of this study was to determine factors connected with electronic smoking habits among adolescents in Indonesia.

Methods:The 2019 Global Youth Tobacco Survey was used in this cross-sectional study employing a multistage cluster random sampling approach. A total of 7,758 samples were taken after selection based on inclusion criteria.

Results:According to this study, 21% of adolescents had tried e-cigarettes. Furthermore, multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that sex (POR: 5.834, 95% CI: 4.749—7.167), allowance (POR: 2.432, 95% CI: 1.874—3.157), obtaining e-cigarette information from friends, shopkeepers, and promotion events (POR: 2.422, 95% CI: 1.959—2.994), and knowledge and attitude (POR: 2.030, 95% CI: 1.683—2.449) were the most influential factors on electronic smoking habits among adolescents in Indonesia.

Conclusion:The results indicated that sex, allowance, access to information on e-cigarettes, and the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents strongly influence the likelihood of trying e-cigarettes. Strict policies regarding the use of e-cigarettes among adolescents need to be enforced, especially in regulating advertising and pricing to make them less affordable for adolescents.

Keywords:determinants, e-cigarette, smoking, behaviour, adolescent


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